The world has been taken over by modern technology all around. Even the education sector has adopted the benefits of scientific advancements to offer quality education to students. So, being updated and advanced in terms of technology is very crucial, especially for students. Basic knowledge of science and technology in textbooks might fetch good marks for students but advanced knowledge in science and technology will help students to develop an interest in a particular subject, and also help them to determine what career path they wish to pursue, be it working as a software engineer, software developer, Robotics engineer, Design Engineer, Data scientist, surgeon, cardiologist, cloud Computing engineer, etc
In this regard, we offer quality specialized infrastructure for for the keeping the students updated with technologies and help them to top stay on
Hi-Tech Labs
These labs in DMPS are facilitated with hi-tech machines and equipment to provide a better standard of learning. The hi-tech labs especially tend to boost the concept of self-learning among students and help teachers to develop a creative method of teaching. Hence students will be benefited from better practical knowledge, which saves them time, knowledge advancement, continuous learning, and better academic growth.

Science Laboratory
The science laboratory in DMPS provides students with various opportunities to learn and experiment, which plays a crucial role in the ongoing intellectual development of students at any academic level. It allows students to utilize the data gathered from the books to implement it, hands-on by exploring and experimenting. The major importance of science labs is that it helps students to learn things in a better way and also help in remembering for a longer time.
Mathematics Laboratory
Mathematics Laboratory in DMPS is a place to enjoy Math through informal exploration. It is a joint effect between students and teachers to create a common place where students can clarify, correct, and challenge their understanding of Math. It allows the students to discover the subject through activities and situations which lays down a firm foundation for more abstract thinking.

Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory in DMPS offers a space for students to explore, create, connect, and build digital literacy. Students can invest their free time in learning programming and improving basic computer skills. Allowing the students to use computers in school, learning will be more for students and the school becomes leaner Centric.
Robotics Laboratory
Robotics Laboratory in DMPS benefit students hugely and prepare them for a prospective AI future. Robotics helps students learn to Create learn to program simply and tangibly and make them future-ready. This lab helps create a more engaging and a hands-on learning environment for students along with a fun and stimulating way to learn about important concepts and prepare them for the future

Seminar Hall
Seminar Hall in DMPS is equipped with LED projectors and multimedia facilities which are suitable for guest lectures, seminars, and workshops. It can accommodate nearly 100 students at a time. Students Seminars are frequently conducted for students and seminar halls here come in to effect in this regard.
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